bheansidhe wrote in bpalanonymous Oct 20, 2006 09:57
scent: phantom calliope (the), scent: midnight on the midway, reviewer: bheansidhe, scent: carnaval diabolique
sparklymoon wrote in bpalanonymous Sep 29, 2006 14:18
scent: gennivre (l'artiste du diable), scent: antonino (the carny talker), scent: mme. moriarty (misfortune teller), scent: xanthe (the weeping clown), scent: phantom calliope (the), scent: melisande (the puppet mistress), scent: midnight on the midway, scent: carnaval diabolique, scent: candy butcher (the), scent: organ grinder (the), scent: doc constantine, scent: theodosius (the legerdemain), scent: pulcinella & teresina
slave1 wrote in bpalanonymous Sep 11, 2006 15:44
scent: gennivre (l'artiste du diable), scent: pentient magdalen (the), scent: cockaigne, reviewer: slave1, scent: carnaval diabolique, scent: xanthe (the weeping clown), lunacy: chrysanthemum moon
icaro wrote in bpalanonymous Sep 01, 2006 19:10
scent: melisande (the puppet mistress), scent: antonino (the carny talker), scent: carnaval diabolique, reviewer: icaro